Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Two Books and One Spider

Today I received a shipment from Amazon.com.  Two books and a "critter net".  Now I can't actually put the net up yet, since the addition has just begun, and my daughter will not be in her current room very long.  In fact, it won't be much of a room when things are done, just a pass-through space I plan on using as an office/library.

In a related note, I am the only female member of my immediate family that does not own a Nook e-reader.  I understand how fabulous and convenient they are.  And how my 17 month old can't rip the pages out of them, but I have this attachment to paper books.  I like the smell, and the sound, and turning pages.  Even if they take up lots of what little space I have around.

So, two books.  A cookbook, and a religious/political book.  Something I usually don't read.  In fact, I avoid discussing/sharing my political views as much as possible.  If you learn one important thing about me, learn that I despise conflict.  I don't want to fight about stuff. I want peace, love, and happiness.  Corny right?

I managed to read one and a half pages of the book before my daughter woke up from her nap.  I think she wasn't done.  I think she heard me taking two minutes of personal time.  But that's okay.  I still love her. In fact, she's drug a diaper box out of her bedroom and is beating me with it.  I am not kidding.  I think she's trying to get it up on the couch with me, but the box is nearly as tall as she is.

When I get around to trying recipes and finishing chapters in the book, I will attempt to remember to report back.

I haven't taken much time to write lately due to child illness, my illness, spouse illness, general mess, and family tragedy. Things have calmed down a bit, minus the big hole in my yard and mudpiles where the addition is going in.

P.S.  Spider on the remote control is a sign not to watch tv.  I think I have to throw it out now.  Eeek.