Saturday, November 8, 2014


I haven't bothered to take time to write anything in a depressingly long time.  I let life take over and forgot how much it helped me anchor my sanity. I think I'm starting to forget how to speak English.  I can now speak fluent toddler in a way that amazes people, but does me very little actual good. 

True story.  They could bottle my youngest daughter's scream and end war for good.  People would pay for world peace just to not listen to the supersonic masterpiece that she emits from her tiny mouth.  I'm sure many mom's agree.

This week I'm suffering a good bit of guild over the 800 e-mails I've gotten in the past month from my astronomical society about events.  Including a survey about why I don't love them enough to come do anything.

Here are some reasons I didn't admit to on the survey.

1) I feel really fat since I had two kids.
2) I'd rather drink a glass of wine and pretend I'll get 8 hours of sleep.
3) It's over an hour to get there.  An hour.  Do you know what that is in "mommy time?"
4) If I can see the stars, it's because someone who still poops their pants is awake and having a party in my livingroom while I go outside to breathe and remember I'm still sane.

Actually, I do feel a bit better now.