Thursday, January 31, 2013

Contemplating the Crazy

The other day I received a notice via listserv for an upcoming lecture at the astronomical society on particle physics and the Higgs Boson.  I'm a huge fan of particle physics, because it's insane, and nobody really understands any of it.  Any physicist who tells you they do is lying, or too stupid to understand how small and lost we are in the universe.

Anyways, I really wanted to go see the lecture, but I'm still breastfeeding my 5 month old.  Which brings up my question of the month.  Can you bring a baby to a particle physics lecture?  I didn't, I simply wasn't the brave pioneer I wanted to be, knowing I'm one of the minority being there even without the baby.  Female and under 50.  I wish now, that I had gone, and maybe next time I will.

I was thinking this morning about the crazy that is everyday life with these two girls.  I love the little things they do that nobody else might notice.  My toddler insists on having the stem pulled off of the apple before she will eat it. 

I thought I had won the naked battle this morning.  She's been naked for two days.  So, I started turning the house down one degree at a time until she was cold enough to redress.  No fuss, no screaming, no peeing on the floor.  I got cocky and turned the house back up.  Now she's naked on the couch again.  Does that mean I lose?  Or are we 1-1?

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