Thursday, November 15, 2012

Eclipses and Insomnia

In another universe, where I've won the lottery, and my kids are older, I would have been at the total solar eclipse in Australia this week.  They did stream it live from several news websites for those of use that aren't globe trotting astronomical fanatics.  It reminds me, every time I turn on my telescope, the handset screams at me "DON'T LOOK AT THE SUN!" over and over and over, while I try to remember which button makes it go away.  If I had more time to get the telescope out, perhaps I would remember, and not have to dig up my manual.  I'm a bad astronomer.  Right now I probably couldn't even find where the planets are for you.  I have half a year's worth of Astronomy Magazine sitting in a pile where I plan on reading.  After I get the kids changed, fed, bathed, cleaned up after, wash the dishes, scrub the floors, and the bathrooms, shower, and sleep. 

Sleep.  I could complain that I never get sleep.  I could blame it on my 2 daughters.  But that would be silly.  I've been a bad sleeper since I was a kid.  If I weren't up feeding or changing diapers, I'd just be up staring at the walls, pacing the hallways.  I come from a long line of bad sleepers.  My children are doomed.  Sorry girls.

Speaking of girls.  Aren't mine cute? Also, please note that the pacifier is gone.  My eldest has lost the last one, and my youngest refuses them.

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